Selasa, 18 Mac 2014

Deadly New Drug

Narconon Brings Urgent Information to Public Attention on Deadly New Drug

synthetics abuse guide cover Narconon Brings Urgent Information to Public Attention on Deadly New DrugFor the past few years, illicit drug manufacturers and drug dealers have had a successful formula for expanding their business: keep creating new substances in the lab and sell them as ‘recreational’ drugs. It has been successful for the makers and dealers but all too often catastrophic for the buyers. So when the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) issued an alert on a brand new drug, Narconon International rushed to update their online drug information and followed it with a broad news release to the public.
“Our purpose is to prevent drug abuse wherever possible and help substance users to recover fully,” said Clark Carr, president of Narconon International. “One of the ways we carry that purpose out is to provide complete information on drugs that are being consumed and sold so that parents, counselors, teachers and professionals can find knowledge about them on our website.”
The new drug is nicknamed ‘4-methyl-euphoria,’ among other names. At the time of the recent alert from the EMCDDA, it was legal in all its member countries. This drug is a strong and dangerous stimulant, a derivative of 4-methylaminorex, an illegal drug with an effect similar to methamphetamine. Sold in both powder and tablet form, 4-methyl-euphoria has killed 8 people in Hungary and 18 in the UK. If one is not a chemist, there is no way to tell if a tablet or vial of powder contains this substance.
“This is typical criminal drug manufacturer behavior – twist an illegal drug chemically into a substance that is not yet declared illegal, then sell it to young people who are just looking to have a good time,” said Carr. “It takes time to put these criminals out of business. In the meantime, parents and others who have relationships with teens and young adults can help by taking time to talk to them about these new synthetic chemicals, making it very clear that using them can be a deadly activity.”
To help, Narconon International has published a complete guide to dealing with the problem of synthetic drug abuse. This category includes drugs referred to as synthetic cannabinoids (meaning like cannabis or marijuana), nicknamed Spice or K2, and ‘bath salts’ which are composed of dangerous chemicals that cause paranoia, hallucinations and psychosis.
Spice has been linked to tens of thousands of emergency room visits, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Bath salts have been linked to homicide and suicide as noted in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.
The new guide from Narconon International, titled What You Can Do about Synthetic Dug Abuse, is available as a free download on this web page:
“It is our hope that parents and others who work with young people will use our information to prevent the use and possibility of harm from these unpredictable and dangerous chemicals,” concluded Carr.
For more information on Narconon drug prevention or rehabilitation, call 1-800-775-8750.

Ahad, 16 Februari 2014


Hari ini saya nak berkongsi cerita sikit tentang kebaikan dan keburukan ayaq ketum nii... ini kisah benar dan betul-betul bukan cobaan... kes dimana mengamalkan ayaq ketum hari-hari boleh bawa maut...

satu kes telah berlaku di kawasan taman aku kat kedah nii.. dimana seorang pengamal ayaq ketum ni telah meninggal dunia... tapi ramai yang dah tau yg simati ni memang ada banyak penyakit sebab utama yang  dia boleh mati adalah disebabkan oleh getah ketum, percaya atau tidak... 
Info ini diberikan oleh doktor yang membuat bedah siasat keatas simati tersebut... apa yang dia nampak adalah semua saluran yang ada dalam badan telah tersumbat oleh getah-getah dari ketum yang diamalkann tu .... mula2 aku pn tak percaya ... tapi bila dah doktor cakap sendiri takkan nak was-was lagi...
Jadi kat sini pn kita nampak bahaya ayaq ketum nii.... sekali sekala tu boleh la minum kalau hari2 mcm tu lah jadinya.. Janganlah kita seksa diri kita yang lemah nii... ok...
Beringatlah kawan-kawan tu saja yang dapat dikongsi untuk hari ni.. maaf jika ada salah dan silap yee... wassalam

Pokok ketum tumbuh semulajadi di hutan-hutan seperti di Perak, Kedah, Perlis dan Trengganu. Nama saintifiknya Mitragyna specios dari keluarga Rubiaceae.
Di sesetengah tempat ketum dipangil pokok biak.

Masyarakat tradisi mengunakan daun ketum untuk membantu menambah tenaga atau mengembalikan kesegaran selepas penat berkerja. Ia dimakan secara segar seperti mengunyah daun sirih.
Daun yg belum diproses
Daun yang siap diproses
Daun ketum juga digunakan untuk merawat ketagihan dadah, tetapi penggunaan yang berlebihan boleh memberi kesan ketagihan terhadap bahan berkenaan.
Daun ketum yang dikeringkan dan direbus digunakan untuk mengembalikan tenaga batin. Selain dari dikunyah segar, rebusan daun yang kering juga digunakan sebagai tonik untuk menghilangkan rasa lesu selepas berkerja, lenguh-lenguh, radang, kejang otot sakit-sakit sendi dan lelah.
Rebusan daun kering dan akarnya pula digunakan bagi melegakan penyakit darah tinggi dan kencing manis.

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Keratan Akhbar

Masayarakat perlu berhati-hati dengan kemunculan dadah jenis baru. pastikan keluarga terdekat terutama para remaja tidak terjebak dalam penggunaan dadah jenis ini.